Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Doe

Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Doe

Sale $ 14.97
Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Doe, Effective scent created to replicate the smell of a whitetail doe Best used year-round and increases interest by nearby does and bucks as the rut approaches Simply collect your urine neutralize using the provided powder and add the buck scent containing our proprietary synthesized natural compounds and use in your preferred method drag drip scrape etc
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Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Doe
Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Doe
Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Tarsal
Inventive Outdoors ScentReliefA(R) Whitetail Tarsal