Smarter Cull

Smarter Cull

Sale $ 59.99
Smarter Cull, SmarterCullTM combines the Ardent SmartCull Culling System and Smart Clips into one convenient package and features Ardent's industry-best 6-ball 2-stage culling balls with non-piercing Smart Clips minimizing the risk of injury and infection to fish, increasing their survival rate.
Ardent Smarter Cull Culling System 6 Colors Assortment
$31.35  $69.99
Ardent Smarter Cull Culling System 6 Colors Assortment
Ardent SmarterCull Culling System with Smart Clips
Ardent SmarterCull Culling System with Smart Clips
Smarter Cull
Smarter Cull
Smarter Cull
Smarter Cull