Rune Bait Hook

Rune Bait Hook

Sale $ 5.99
Rune Bait Hook, Inspired by the Rune Big Game Fly Hook, the Rune Bait hook is an impressively versatile saltwater bait hook. The 3X strong wire and Titan Steel finish&';s extreme salt corrosion resistance make this fish hook the best choice for handling large saltwater species. Thanks to Mustad&';s new AlphaPointA(R) needlepoint sharpening technology, the Rune Bait Hook prioritizes quick penetration and trustworthy hooksets, which means easily landing big fish. 4.8 AlphaPointA(R) TechnologyOpti-Angle Needle Point3X Strong1X ShortRinged eyeForgedNor-Tempered
Rune Bait Hook
Rune Bait Hook