Members Only Bloody Valentine T-Shirt

Members Only Bloody Valentine T-Shirt

Sale $ 29.99
Members Only Bloody Valentine T-Shirt, Due to COV19 supply chain issues, this product is temporarily unavailable Two Thompson submachine guns and two shotguns rang out in a parking garage on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1929, where seven men were murdered by what is suspected to be the orders of Al Capone at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street in North Side, Chicago.In what was may have been a strategic power move on by Capone, five members of rival gang leader George "Bugs" Moran"'s North Side gang were killed by a mob firing squad witnesses described as two plainclothes men and two police officers. To keep up appearances that everything was under control, the two men dressed as police officers marched the two plainclothes men out at gunpoint to give the impression they were under arrest. It was one of the most brutal mob executions in Chicago history and sparked outcry from influential citizens to bring the mob and Capone to justice.ShippingThis item ships 3-5 business days from the order date.