A Tribe without Warriors T-Shirt

A Tribe without Warriors T-Shirt

Sale $ 29.99
A Tribe without Warriors T-Shirt, Poets, academics, sculptors, journalists, painters, engineers, merchants, politicians, and all sorts of other professions are integral to a free and great society. They drive culture.But what protects the culture? What protects the people who get to thrive in that world? The warrior.The one who's willing to lay down his or her life for it all. The one who's willing to put their bodies through long term physical hell for the greater good. We need those people. We enjoy the fruits of our labor because of those people. Societies who don't have these people quickly vanish. They are simply humans waiting to be exploited. A tribe without warriors will soon be forgotten. ShippingThis item ships 3-5 business days from the order date.
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