Merger Duo Nxp50 3-24x Thermal/Digital Night Vision Binoculars - Merger Duo Nxp50 3-24x Mag 17-Micron 640x480 Res
Merger Duo Nxp50 3-24x Thermal/Digital Night Vision Binoculars - Merger Duo Nxp50 3-24x Mag 17-Micron 640x480 Res, These revolutionary Pulsar thermal binoculars offer users the flexibility to switch seamlessly between thermal imaging and monochrome digital night vision on its 1280x960 AMOLED display, providing both the long-rage detection and high contrast of thermal technology with the sharper object detail of digital night vision. PiP (Picture In Picture) The Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50 further elevates its capabilities with its PiP (Picture in Picture) multispectral mode, allowing you to view both modes simultaneously: one in the main display and the other in a convenient picture-in-picture window. MAIN SPECS Microbolometer sensor: 640x480px @ 17Ioem NETD: