Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd.,  Slow Fire, 100/Pack

Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd., Slow Fire, 100/Pack

Sale $ 15.99
Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd., Slow Fire, 100/Pack, Official NRA Target Champion(R) offers several official NRA targets on tagboard or paper. They include competition, silhouette, police pistol, training and qualification. Police pistol targets come in 20-50 foot slow fire, timed, and rapid fire. Training targets range from practice to advanced qualification. 25 yd. Slow Fire Dimensions of this target are one-half the dimensions of the B-6, 50 yard Slow Fire pistol target. Slow fire scores on this target closely approximate the average slow fire scores at 50 yards. No sight adjustment is necessary to change from this target it the B-8, 25 yard Timed & Rapid Fire target. 7-8-9-10 rings black - Size: 10.5" x 12" , paper
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-8(CP), 25 yd., Timed and Rapid Fire, 12/Pack
$2.49  $2.79
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-8(CP), 25 yd., Timed and Rapid Fire, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-2, 50 yd., Timed and Rapid Fire, 12/Pack
$2.99  $3.29
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-2, 50 yd., Timed and Rapid Fire, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-2, 50' Slow Fire, 12/Pack
$2.99  $3.29
Champion Official NRA Targets GB-2, 50' Slow Fire, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets GTQ-3/1, 50 yd.,  Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 12/Pack
$2.29  $2.49
Champion Official NRA Targets GTQ-3/1, 50 yd., Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets GTQ-4(P), 100 yd., Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 12/Pack
$2.79  $2.99
Champion Official NRA Targets GTQ-4(P), 100 yd., Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd., Slow Fire, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd., Slow Fire, 12/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets TQ-4(P), 100 yd., Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 100/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets TQ-4(P), 100 yd., Small Bore Rifle, Single Bull, 100/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd.,  Slow Fire, 100/Pack
Champion Official NRA Targets B-16, 25 yd., Slow Fire, 100/Pack