Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon

Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon

Sale $ 149.95 $150.00
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Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon, Petzl made the Irvis 10-Point Crampon compact, light, and thin for ski touring and mountaineering expeditions. This 10-point crampon has two wide front points to provide a solid purchase on steep couloirs and icy glaciers, and there are Antisnow anti-balling plates for a better performance. The Irvis Leverlock includes step-in Fil or strap-on Fil Flex attachments, and the Irvis Flexlock offers hybrid compatibility with any with a heel welt and without a toe welt.
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Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon
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Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon
Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon
Petzl Irvis 10-Point Crampon
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Petzl Irvis Hybrid Crampon
Petzl Irvis Hybrid Crampon