DAKINE Charger 2 Foil Kit
Save $450.00 (25% Off)
DAKINE Charger 2 Foil Kit, Providing an incredible glide, early planing start, and amazing carving abilities, the Dakine Charger 2 Foil Kit is a high-performance foil that covers all of our bases. The 930 size kit is designed for lighter riders for winging, offering great carving and pumping abilities to help us take our skills to the next level, while the 1500 size kit combines efficiency and accessibility to offer endless gliding capabilities with incredible maneuverability and stability. The 1500 size allows us to venture downwind, wing foil, or even try dock starts or wake foiling. For heavier riders, the 2100 size kit offers the highest lift in the range and remains highly maneuverable, bringing extra power in light winds with stability in choppy conditions. Light and strong, these versatile foils provide improved load transmission and better stiffness for maximum control.