

Sale $ 229.95
fly-fishing-fly-rods-temple-fork-outfitters-tfo-finesse-trout, Medium Action | FreshwaterThe TFO Finesse Trout Fly Rod was designed by Lefty, Ed and Wanda for fly anglers focused on the flawless presentation commensurate with small flies and fine tippets. Using a more traditional, moderate taper and action makes this series perfect for delicate casts and offers excellent loop control at short to medium distances; as well, their surprisingly powerful butt section nicely accommodates longer casts whenever necessary and the ability to land a selectively feeding trophy without breaking off 6x tippet. The shorter rods in the series are ideal for spring creeks, small streams and tailwaters. Their soft tips allow an angler to feel the rod load with as little as 5' of fly line outside the tiptop; at the same time, they turn over long leaders easily. For larger streams and rivers, the 8'9" is perfect for roll casting and increased line control necessary for effortless technical casts.Slow is the new cool, well, at least for fly anglers that is. The TFO Finesse Trout Fly Rod provides anglers with the slowest and most traditional action in lengths that are compatible with limestone creeks, small mountain streams, and densely wooded rivers. This fly rod features premium cork half wells grips, rosewood inserts, and high quality locking nuts that are sure to impress even the most serious fly fisherman. If you fish stream or lakes where presentation is more important than distance, this is the rod for you. With moderate action for the most accurate deliveries possible, you are sure to get your fly right where you need it, every time. The limestone creeks, small mountain streams, and densely wooded rivers. Is a pleasure to cast due to its lightness and moderate action, and the feel of this rod is unbeatable. You'll feel the rod bend all the way down to the cork, making it perfect for anglers who love to feel every part of their fly rod. On top of all of these great features, the TFO Finesse Trout Fly Rod comes standard with TFO's unconditional lifetime warranty. SpecsModelLengthLine Wt.Wt. (oz.)PiecesHandle TypeTF .5 50 3 FT5'.523ATF 01 69 4 FT6'9"12.44BTF 02 73 4 FT7'3"22.54BTF 03 79 4 FT7'9"32.84BTF 03 89 4 FT8'9"33.14BTF 04 79 4 FT7'9"42.84BTF 04 89 4 FT8'9"43.14BTF 05 79 4 FT7'9"52.94BTF 05 89 4 FT8'9"53.14BRod case included.