Scientific Anglers Magnitude Smooth Infinity Salt - Full Clear Floating Fly Line - Clear - WF7F

Scientific Anglers Magnitude Smooth Infinity Salt - Full Clear Floating Fly Line - Clear - WF7F

at Jans
Sale $ 149.95
Scientific Anglers Magnitude Smooth Infinity Salt - Full Clear Floating Fly Line - Clear - WF7F, "Magnitude lines are ushering in a new era in saltwater fly line technology, headaches with clear lines are a thing of the past. Our new family is loaded with revolutionary new technologies making it most durable and slickest clear floating fly line on the market. Period. DuraCoat leverages advanced dual-polymer design to optimize line stiffness, abrasion resistance, and slickness. The core is enveloped by a supple material, promoting minimal memory and strong adhesion, while the outer layer boasts a robust composition that significantly enhances slickness and abrasion resistance. Enhanced with EST+ slickness additive for unmatched durability, smoother shooting, and eco-friendly performance. Using naturally buoyant polymers, we've created the next generation of clear floating lines. With the option of a 12 clear floating tip that allow the angler to track the fly and a full clear floating line for the ultimate stealthy presentation. Made half size heavy to turn over large flies on windy days Extended head length for accuracy at distance"""
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